Tag Archive | wax

Brow Blocking with Wax

This week I experimented with blocking the eye brows with the help from wax, in this case Ben Nye nose and scar wax. This method typically used for stage shows and theatre works by filling and smoothing down the brow hairs allows you to apply makeup over the top including a new brow if needed. For this task I simply just used the wax I already had present in my kit but you can purchase many products specifically designed for the use of blocking the brow out including Brow plastic/wax and sealant by Kryolan. The wax can be difficult to work with especially if you are trying to use Derma wax as this wax I found is too tacky and sticky, luckily the nose and scar wax worked perfectly for this task. Dependant on what the blocking of the brow is needed for it can work as a perfect cheap alternative to many other methods of blocking the brow blocking including the use of cap plastic and is more durable than the pritt stick method and water based spirit gum. Many Drag queens use this method for their performances where the method demonstrated below contends perfectly with the heat from the intense lighting. With this in mind I created my very own drag queen inspired makeup of the eye and brow area using the wax blocking method. Image

1st Semester SFX….Experiments with glass effects.

2012-12-05 21.47.17

Using what I had available at the time, in this case a plastic bottle,

I set about experimenting with placing shards of the plastic bottle I carefully cut

by sinking the material into areas I had used wax on….

2012-12-05 22.24.09

With the addition of some grease paint and blood the area appears swollen

and cut…..

2012-12-05 22.24.18

Smaller cuts I created….

2012-12-05 22.24.24

The final product of my experimentation process, this helped towards the construction for

my Semester 1 final creation!